Post Office's Bold Space

UK’s Closest
Banking Service


One in four Brits visit their bank each month, but with bank closures continuing to hit high streets and rural communities across the UK, people are being cut off from services they have relied upon for decades. Not only is this an issue for communities but it is ‘big’ news in the media.

Flying in the face of these closures is Post Office. It is there filling the gap left behind by banks with an enduring commitment to support communities with their banking needs.

We wanted to spotlight how the Post Office is providing this vital lifeline and show how we are stepping in where banks are stepping out.


How We Got There

We initiated a comprehensive media campaign, delivering a complete package to media outlets including captivating visuals, fresh data insights, testimonials from Postmasters and Postmistresses, and customer case studies. Our approach focused on tailoring distinct narratives for both regional and national media platforms.

Consumer PR | Corporate PR I Creative I Social Content | Analytics

How we got ready

In preparation for the campaign, we pinpointed suitable areas where local banks had shut down, leaving the Post Office as the sole remaining banking option. Our goal was to craft custom signposts to place outside Post Office branches, visually illustrating that the Post Office offers vital cash services closest to these communities.

We located Postmasters in Wales and England to distribute signposts near their branches and engage them in the campaign. The content from this effort formed the basis of our national and tailored regional press releases across Wales, England, and Scotland.

Prior to media interviews, we provided briefing documents for Ross Borkett and the Postmasters, and we devised recommendations for amplifying the visual content on social media platforms.

Creating our visuals

We held content capture days at ‘hero’ filming locations at Corris, Wales and Great Massingham, England, and worked closely with the Postmasters and local community at each location to ensure we could show how supportive the community is of their local PO and its cash services. A media call even was held at Great Massingham’s Post Office to encourage media to capture content and interview Postmaster and customers under embargo, ahead of launch.

Tactical partnership

In collaboration with Postmaster Mark Eldridge from Great Massingham, Norfolk, we positioned him as the ‘hero’ Postmaster, featured prominently in stories across national and English regional media, and contributing significantly to the success of the media call and content creation.

Additionally, partnering with Postmistress Jan Morgan from Corris, Wales, allowed us to capture compelling imagery with the local community at the Post Office, aimed at securing coverage in regional media outlets.


Phased launch

We sweated the best visual assets from Corris and Great Massingham Post Offices and shared with regional and national focuses, along with the cash tracker data, spokespeople interviews and press release.

Featured in


Pieces of coverage


Estimated reach


Media interviews across Post Office spokesperson, Postmasters and case studies.